Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reaching out to Jesus

When was the last time someone approached you to tell you about the Lord. When have you reached out and told someone about the Lord? I try to reach out to others daily and let them know that there is someone who cares for them and loves them everyday, every minute and every second. As, far as when someone reached out to me and asked me about the Lord, I can’t recall. I like to believe it’s because they see the Lord in me, I’m not scared to let anyone know who I worship or to spread His good news.

I know I personally don’t do enough to let others know how precious our Father is, and how He never lets us down. Sometimes, I get angry because I want something and it just don’t happen, I wonder why I’m not good enough for that job promotion, why am I always chosen last, is it because I’m not pretty enough, overweight, or my personality isn’t great, so I get angry with God. Over, the years I have realized that it didn’t happen because it wasn’t part of God’s plan for my life, for He knew my future from the minute I was brought into existence, see folks He created us each in His image with a purpose. I am just now starting to realize what my purpose is.

Have you ever had someone do something for you that was really special. You wanted to express you gratitude and yet found the only thing you could do was to say "thank you". Even as you said it, you felt it wasn’t enough.

I think this most of the time when I think about all that God has done for me. I want to show how much I appreciate it, but struggle with knowing how. David who the Bible says, "was a man after God's own heart", meaning he was a spiritual man. He had many great achievements in his life for the Lord, and many failures and trials. He was a man acquainted with great victories, but he experienced many tragedies also. He knew the value of being thankful and publicly expressing it.

You honor God and spread the Gospel when you tell people the truth....God is good, He loves each person and wants to see all men/women everywhere saved and having received forgiveness of sin and eternal life. WE CAN SHOW OUR GRATITUDE TO THE LORD BY PROCLAIMING GOD'S GREATEST AND PRAISE TO OTHERS. Psa. 107:1-2.


"Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psa 37:5 He came to this earth with the sole purpose to go to that old rugged cross and there to suffer the agony of paying the penalty for all the sins of the world. That means you and me. Because he loved us....we can have life, forgiveness of sin and heaven. Nothing compares to what our God and our Savior did for us.

Surely....surely...we must show Him honor and gratitude, by accepting Him as Lord and Savior and living a life of eternal gratitude thanking Him for doing so much for us. 

Take time and Reach out to someone today!


  1. Brenda reading this blog made me do some thinking I have read all your blogs you do reach out and spread Gods word you do lot of work for him.I also would like to add never put yourself down as it is not what is outside it is what you have inside that counts and you have nothing but love and joy or you would not be doing the blogs for the rest of us.I can not say this strong enough but please keep up the great work.

  2. ty so much for last night it was really special to me and dont ever put yourself down your a loving and careing person as i have found out in the short time i have known you youre very special to me......JR
