Saturday, April 3, 2010

"He DIed for You and Me"

--Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities.

It is a simple thing to say that Christ died for the sin of the world. It is quite another thing to say that Christ died for my sin! It may be an interesting pastime to point fingers at those who crucified Jesus, but it is a shocking thought that I can be as indifferent as Pilate, as scheming as Caiaphas, as calloused as the soldiers, as ruthless as the mob, or as cowardly as the disciples. It is not just, what they did—it was I who nailed Him to the cross. I crucified Jesus. I joined the mockery!" I was one of the reasons that He had to suffer, I am the reason for the nails in His hands and feet, I am the reason for the piercings into His side.

If you will look at pictures of Jesus on the cross and look at the crowd below you will find yourself looming in the shadows, for you too was there. We all are sinners, so do not think for a second that you were not part of that day of suffering for our Lord. He said the earth would quake and darkness would be about, and it happened. Just as He told us He would rise and go prepare a place for us, He has.

1 comment:

  1. Well done blog Brenda.We all sin even if not meant to.It is easy to point fingers but they who do can bet that they have sinned also.Our lord has made a great place for us to join when it is our time to go meet him.Keep it up Brenda you are doing a great job.
