Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Christians go thru depression too!

Not knowing what we face today sometimes is hard; there are days we just do not feel like getting out of bed even. If we could just pull, the covers up over our head and sleep it away. I have been here, I know the feeling all so well. He is God, why doesn’t He help me? Why cant I find joy in things I do? Sure, I definitely know God and know what He does for me, but I cant get my mind to focus, I cant think, just leave me alone…

Depression has been called the “common cold” of mental disorders. Depression affects millions of us daily. Christians and non-Christians alike. If you suffer from depression you may be experiencing intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms. You probably feel useless, have lost interest and people that you once enjoyed. Depression can be set off by many things, including a loss of job, death of a loved one, divorce, or psychological problems such as abuse or low self-esteem.

Philippians 4:1 commands us to rejoice (whether we feel like it or not!). And James 1:2 asks us to “Consider it all joy when we fall into various trials.” Notice that James doesn't tell us to feel joyful; he tells us to reckon, to choose to think about your situation as a spot where you can have joy. Trusting what God says rather than your feelings is certainly a more realistic approach to life!

When you are feeling down, its important as a Christian that you stay in the word, and in prayer even when you don’t feel like it. Your emotions will lead you astray and this is when satan moves in. God’s word stands firm, and never changes. You must keep your faith in God and hold tightly to His promise that He wont put more on you than you can handle.

(1 Corinthians 10:13). 13There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Although being depressed is not a sin, one is still accountable for the response to the affliction, including getting the professional help that is needed. “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name” (Hebrews 13:15). By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

If you wake up feeling like you can’t go on today, remember God loves you so much that He gave us His only son. Below are a few things that can help you thru this part of your journey here on earth. But we must keep the future front in our hearts and mind, keep your focus on the final reward. “Eternity in Heaven”

Avoid being alone. (Remember Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you).
Force yourself to be with people. Seek help from others.
(Sing, dance, Music can uplift your spirit as it did for King Saul (1 Samuel 16:14-23).
Praise and give thanks. “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). L
Lean heavily on the power of God's Word.
Rest confidently in the presence of God's Spirit. “Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance” (Psalm 42:5).


  1. very nice topic to talk on ive been there and done that seek the right path and walk there in always look at the big picture that god has in store for us in the end i no ive been so depressed ive tried to kill myself 6 times but god wouldnt let me hes got me here for a purpose and really i dont no what it is but ill keep searching to find.......JR

  2. i no what depression is all about ive been there done that ive tried to kill myself 6 times but god wouldnt let me just keep your eyes on the big prize that god has for us in the end never give up hope faith is all we have people will let us dowbn but god want ever leave us when we made things right with him hes our best friend.....JR

  3. Brenda one awesome blog.I to like many know wht depression is all about it is not good for body or sole but I guess in life somewhere we alol have it i do hope my faith in God helps me in mine.Keep up the great work PLEASE.
