Sunday, April 11, 2010

Have you ever given a thought to the bird's wonderful power of flight? Their arms are wings, enabling them to rise above the ground and to fly quickly through the air. Birds also have very quick, sharp sight. An eagle or a hawk as he circles about, high in the air, is watching the little objects on the ground far below. I cannot even imagine how quick a little bird's sight must be, to fly safely through the woods, in and out among the branches! In addition, we must not forget the sweet songs of some birds and the bright colors of others, which are their means of sharing with us the delights of their happy life.

 As I put seed in the birdfeeder, today the birds flew quickly away, however the bees taking the sweet nectar from the new spring buds did not. The squirrels went quickly up the tree, but not out of sight. This made me realize just how beautiful nature is, and how they all exist together, fighting, making known they belong. The same as people, we can only share the same space for so long until we are fighting or arguing. The bible talks several times about the different birds, and their purpose and how we are liken to these birds, so I went in search of some examples and here is what I found for you. What an awesome Lord we serve!

The Lord's care for the sparrows - The "sparrow " in the Bible is usually a general name for all little birds - suggests His knowledge of all our passing thoughts and His care for them. "Not one of them shall fall to the ground without your Father." (Matt) "Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young.

In this we see how the Lord loves us so much, and how He compares us to the sparrow but how He holds us up like the Eagle. He will not let you fall without catching you and His Heavenly light always shines on you. Spread your wings for your Father, He will lift you off the ground to do His work.

One bird we must especially remember, the dove. We all know its gentle loving nature. It is among birds what the lamb is among animals. And to what affection does the lamb correspond? To innocent love for the Lord and for one another. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him."

Of course, there are many other birds and many more scriptures; we have all kind of animals with wings, down to the butterfly. They all work together to create a beautiful place for us here on earth, while in Heaven God is preparing a place so that He can come back on the wings

What a joy!! What a satisfaction!! At the end of my life when I look back, what will I find? Heartbreaking frustration like Solomon, or joyful satisfaction like Paul? The answer depends on whether I am living my life on the basis of the here-and-now or on the Wings of Eternity. My journey is taking me on wings of love to eternity…how about yours?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Brenda.I work out doors I see all kinds of birds and yes they are awesome to watch.I to hope I am asking God for the right things as i to want to live my life and head to the journey on the wings of Eternity.Keep up the awesome blogs please.
