Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Where are you a citizen?

Today I had an employee come to me about her documentation to be eligible to live and work in the United States. I have known her for a year now, and she is a very sweet kind lady. We were talking and I decided I would take a chance to see if she knew God and what He stands for. What I found was that she did somewhat. Well, for me there is no somewhat, you either do or don’t. By the time I was thru, I felt she knew more about the wonderful God that I serve and how her citizenship into Heaven was far more important than her citizenship here in the United States. I am amazed more and more each day at the growing number of people who do not know God. I ask Him to give me wisdom and courage to shout His name everywhere I go. If I can touch one, I know I can touch two, and then before I know it I will have touched many, giving Jesus all the glory. I am a mere vehicle ready and willing to spread the gospel. I hope that you know where you live today, where your citizenship is recorded, if not I ask that today you take a leap of faith and ask our heavenly Father to forgive you for all your sins and help you to travel a higher road for him. Our time here is short, but our time as a citizen in Heaven is eternal. If you need a friend to help you on this journey, please reach out, I too will be glad to pray with you personally.

Heaven is eternal. Heaven is the dwelling place of God. Heaven is wrapped in light, peace, joy, and perfection. A land is glorious and fair. In addition, each part of that land is glorious because it reflects the glory of God. It consists in perfect fellowship with God. It is rich beyond compare in love and mercy and grace.

He is in heaven now, says the Bible (I John 2), as our advocate with the Father. He intercedes for us as a merciful and compassionate Jesus.. He rules to serve the purpose of God and to bring about the eternal kingdom of our God. Still more, Jesus Christ is in heaven as the pledge that we, too, must go to be with Him. Because He is in heaven, all those who belong to Him shall also be with Him.

Where will you reside? Is Heaven your final destination? Will you be a citizen in that wonderful kingdom called Heaven?


  1. well i no where my name is it in the lambs book of life where everyone elses should be ill be praying for you like i always do keep this up some will catch on ......JR

  2. Brenda just so you know you have taught me so much about God in your blogs as I did think I knew lots about him but sadly mistaken on my part iI do not and reading your blogs do help me alot please keep up the great work.
