Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Have you ever had a dream (or nightmare) and woken up the next day remembering that you had a bad dream but unable to remember what it was about?

In the book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar was probably just like the rest of us who have had a bad dream but been unable to remember the exact content. It is much more common to have a dream and not be able to remember it than to be able to remember a dream in great detail. Yet it was certainly unreasonable for him to demand that other people tell him the content of his dream and to order his wise men be put to death because they could not tell him what his dream was? Why did he feel that this action was okay? But see this wasn’t unreasonable to expect his advisors to tell him the content of his dreams or order their death, however, tyranny does demand total obedience. It doesn’t matter if a demand is difficult or impossible. It must be carried out just because the person in the power demanded it. Unbelievably Nebuchadnezzar was not the first or the last tyrant ruler to make such demands. You have cases today where leaders are making demands beyond what they think people can do but they are going to rant until someone does, because they have become deluded with the power. Good example was hitler, then today you have gang leaders, drug lords, all people who are controlling others and having people ordered to death. Sure, it started with a dream, but where does it end?

The good here is when Nebuchadnezzar had his people approach Daniel to come and interpret his dreams, he (Daniel) asked the king’s official for details. Then, with this information in hand, he asked the king for time to meet the king’s demands. Then he asked his friends to pray with him that God would explain and reveal the mystery. Praying to God is important, but God expects you to do something to, not just dump the whole thing in his lap. Secondly, Daniel enlisted prayer partners. Prayer partners, whether in the mission field or at home are a source of great spiritual power. Although, this is the Old Testament, it presents a similar message to that of Jesus when he said that if two or three pray in his name, the petition will be granted. Matthew 18:19-20: I promise that when any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you. Daniel immediately thanked God for answering his prayer. Not after, he went to the king, not a week later, but immediately. So should we. After Daniel’s prayer was answered, what did he do?

Again, prayer and action. As we have seen, he first thanked God and gave credit to God. Secondly, he took action. Notice that his first action was to protect the other wise men. He could easily have used this event to promote himself; let the other wise men be killed and then he would be in an even stronger position of power. Nevertheless, he did not. He saved them first. You might think that they would then be grateful to him, but it was just the opposite.

Please read all of chapter two in the book of Daniel to get the entire story of Nebuchadnessar and his dream, You will find that what Daniel saw was who would rule in the end, ”The Kingdom of God”

God will set up an eternal kingdom that will never fail. It is indestructible and can never be destroyed even by the most powerful earthly kingdoms. The good news for us is that those who believe in God are members of his kingdom and are secure in him. No earthly king, ruler, mobster, gangster will ever rule over God. He is the final destination. We all dream, but what will your outcome be? Will you go to God with it and ask for guidance, or will you take it in your own hands. Daniel is a good example…..God bless each of your!


  1. Wonderful blog Brenda.I like many do and have had dreams at sleep time and awakened not rememebering what the dream was about.I am sure I would not go out and ask others what the dream was about I may on some ask God if he could help me but other wise try to think on my own to see if I could figure it out.Keep it up Brenda really do love to read your blogs and learning from them.

  2. dreams what are dreams mine is 1 day waking up in the Lords presence. noths a dram worth waiting on i pray every day forhim to take me to his kingdom thats how much i love God i want to be with him forever......JR
