Sunday, April 18, 2010

Last night I was blessed to witness my precious friend as He gave His life to Christ. There is nothing greater to watch than when a child comes out of hiding and lifts a hand for help and our loving Father is standing there waiting patiently and diligently on that hand. He says Knock and I shall answer. God bless you my friend as you start this new journey in your life. There will be hills and valleys on your way to Heaven’s door, but the reward is great. An eternity of no more pain or sorrow, you will find peace, joy, love, hope and comfort in God’s loving arms. Congratulations on your decision to ask Jesus Christ into your life.

Jesus said "No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up on the last day.'' (John 6:44). He drew you in, Praise Him now, give Him all the Glory, He is the Mighty I Am!
When you asked Jesus into your life, he came as he promised. You have now begun a personal relationship with God. You might be wondering what it will be like, to be in a relationship with God. What to expect? And most importantly, how does a person even begin to get to know God better What follows is a lifelong journey of change and growth as you get to know God better through Bible reading, prayer and interaction with other Christians.

James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. The good news is that God does not desire anyone to be lost. No one! God is "...patient, not wishing for any to perish." (II Peter 3:9). God is "compassionate" (Matthew 9:36; Psalm 86:15) God is "...just" (Romans 3:24-26). God is "Sorrowful" that many are lost (Ezekiel 18:23; 31,32; cf. Matthew 23:37). There are not many ways to be drawn to God. In fact, there is only one way to come to the Father (John 14:6). One cannot get to heaven through Jesus apart from obeying Him (Hebrews 5:9). Those who attempt to enter another way are counted as thieves and robbers and will be unsuccessful (John 10:1).

How does one answer God's call? This is important for you to know because God is calling you. Have you answered? If not, will you? Will you call upon Him? For whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved." (Acts 2:21). The people who heard this wanted to know how to do so (Acts 2:37) They were told "Repent and be baptized, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38). Men must believe and obey (Mark 16:16). Saving faith is alive, not dead, and proves itself by obedience to the gospel. The gospel is God's call to us by which we are drawn to Him. Our obedient faith needs to be the answer we give His call.

Getting close to God is easy; staying close to God is more difficult. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, staying close to God requires commitment and dedication. Starting your morning off with a conscious desire to draw close to God will ensure a day full of God's presence. God is always close to you, it is up to you to remain close to Him. Start each day by saying good morning to God. Psalm 5:3 says, "I lay my requests before you Lord in the morning, and I wait in hopeful expectation." Acknowledging God in the morning is a great way to draw closer to Him and establishes a relationship that remains throughout the day. As you pray to God your urgent requests, you will wait expectantly for His answers. Realizing that God wants to bless you with the desire of your heart will keep you focused on Him as you wait. Choose one scripture to meditate on. Psalm 51:10 says, "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me." This is the perfect prayer request to start any day. Ask God to mold you into the person He wants you do be. As you choose to live right, you will get closer to God.

Every good and perfect gift comes from God above, but we are told there is a devil that prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to destroy. Always beware! The closer you get to God the more opposition you will experience. However, take heed, God is greater and you can overcome.

Trust and obey. Then, leave the rest in the hands of the one, true, gracious, and merciful God of heaven. Read 1 Samuel 15:22

Thank you Father, for your precious SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you for your son, my friend. Give Him peace and understanding Father as he takes this new journey. I love you and thank you in Jesus Name. Amen!


  1. Brenda I am sorry your friend took the journey so early but God must of needed him.God Bless him.As God will take good care of him now.Keep it up Brenda.So sorry again.

  2. ty bre for everything you did for me last night it was a great experience and i no god will take care of me without a doubt....ty jesus for dying for our sins......JR
