Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"God is my everything"

Matt. 6:34, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Just as every new day brings with it its own set of burdens and problems, so each day witnesses a new, unfailing, all-sufficient, supply of God’s marvelous, matchless, wonderful, amazing grace.

God is faithfulness as seen in the fact that we woke up this morning, in our right minds and in reasonable health. We woke up with air to breath, food to eat, people we love around us, etc. God is a faithful, wonderful Lord.)

He Is A Satisfier – God is described as the soul’s “portion.” It refers to “the spoils of war.” Jeremiah is saying, “In the battle of life, God is my reward, my share, and my portion.” When the Lord is viewed in this light, He will be all that a person needs to be satisfied in their soul, Psa. 103:5; Psa. 107:9. God may not give you and me the things we desire in life; but He will always give us that which is best, and He will give us that which will satisfy the soul, Rom. 8:28.

He Is A Sustainer – God will never fail those who place their trust in Him, Isa. 49:23; Rom. 10:11. Not a single Word of any of His precious promises will ever fail to be honored by Him, Matt. 5:18; Psa. 119:89-90; Isa. 40:8. If you come to Him for salvation, He will not send you away lost, John 6:37. If you trust Him for salvation, He will never send you away into Hell, John 10:28. If you look to Him for the needs in your life, you will never be disappointed, Luke 12:32. He will sustain you through this life and into eternity.

He Is A Savior “Those who wait upon the Lord will see Him bring them out of their troubles and trials. He will not fail His children, but, in His time, He will deliver them from all their valleys.” We need to remember today that God is able to deliver both saint and sinner.

I would like to remind you that God knows where you are today. He knows what you are going through, Job 23:10. He will not forsake you, but He will faithfully keep you and bring you out, in His time, Psa. 34:15-22.

My lost friend, it may look like you are doomed, with no hope. I would just like to tell you that God can save your soul by His grace, if you will but look to Him by faith. If you will stop trusting yourself, and your own goodness; and if you will come to God confessing your sins and calling on Jesus for salvation, God will save your soul, Rom. 10:9, 13; Rev. 22:17.

Give your life to God, and have Him as your Savior, for He won’t let one day go by without showing you His everlasting love. Today I needed each of you to see just how much your Father loves you and how He is with us all thru every trial and tribulation. As I lay here in pain today, I still give thanks to my Father, for I know I must go thru pain to get the results He has in store for me. He is faithfulness, a satisfier, a sustainer, and your savior. Love Him today for you may not have tomorrow. I love you all in Christ name.


  1. Awesome Brenda never more true than you just put it in your blog.God is so manys everything.Please keep up the great work.You have been doing a great job Brenda.God is very proud of you as all of us are.

  2. yes god is everything and more. i guess my faith just not where it needs to be as of now but i no he can do all things........JR
