Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feeling Others Pain

Have you ever felt the pain someone else is going thru, the tears they cry? More and more each day there is devastation around us, does it affect you, or are you able to walk away and forget? I feel your pain; the tears burn my cheek, that’s how God feels.

God knows us because He became one of us. Attention is a poor substitute for love but it seems better than nothing at all. We may develop physical symptoms. The symptoms cause us genuine pain, but the pain of sickness is more bearable than the pain of admitting that nobody cares. We may angrily lash out at those whom we think should care or we may try to run away from them and hide, but in either case, we are trying to protect ourselves from the hurt they are causing us by their lack of concern. We all need to know that somebody loves us. My job here is to let you know you are never alone; you are always loved, for see God loves us unconditionally.

Whenever we are tempted to think that nobody loves us, we need to think of the cross. Jesus bore that shame and suffering because He loves us. He values us so highly that He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to secure for us eternal joy. Knowing Him intimately will motivate us to make some sacrifices for the good of others, for our spouses, our children, and other members of the body of Christ. It will help us give up what we want in order to minister to their needs. There is not one good thing in any of us that merits God’s love. He does not love us because we are so lovable or because we can somehow make ourselves worthy of His love. We are totally unworthy, yet He prizes us highly and showers His very best on us. It is His love for us that gives us our worth. God finds great delight and receives great glory when we respond to His love, enter His fellowship, and do His will. In fact, He made us for that purpose. But whether or not we ever return His love, He keeps on extending it to us. There is nothing we can do to make Him love us any more, and nothing we ever do will cause Him to love us any less. He loves us perfectly and completely regardless of how we perform. His love is unconditional. The command to endure suffering is just another part of a Christian's life, like the command to study the Bible, pray, worship, etc. Faithful Christians of all ages have suffered; we are not the only ones. We should expect suffering to come, so our faith will not be shaken when it does.

The ultimate and primary blame for suffering rests on Satan who tempts people to sin and thereby brought sin into the world. The secondary blame rests upon people, we included, and who have given in to temptation and committed sin that led to suffering.

Yes, God did create suffering as a punishment for sin, but only after He had given people a life without problems and had warned them of the consequences of sin.

Remember, if you blame God and reject Him because you are suffering, then you are doing exactly what Satan wants you to do. He has defeated you! The only way to defeat Satan and really overcome hardship is to maintain your faithfulness to God in spite of it.

Step out of yourself and think of others, just maybe you will realize that your life is only as bad as you allow it to be. God is there to help you understand, ask Him. Reach out and help someone else with their pain…God bless you my friends…

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