Thursday, September 23, 2010

What are you shopping for?

Over this past year I have been in a rut, I loved my church family, a very small church, and very few people. I was in hopes of helping get Gods message out there and bring more people in, when things just fell apart. The pastor was going through things, a few losses, and illness in their own family. A resistance I would say to let anyone help in the Church, to relinquish any authority. It became to me a house, and not a home. I had to pray, ask, and seek a decision. It hurt me to walk away, however I knew I had to.

I find myself shopping for a new Church and I cannot seem to know what it is exactly that I need. I know I am probably not alone in a decision of finding a church that will drive you to be excited and encouraged to drive to the destination. I am reaching out to God for His divine help, for I do not even know where to begin. I began life in God's family just as I began it in my parents' family as a baby, and I out grew my family in some ways and had to move out and grow up, just as I am finding I have now outgrown my church.

When searching for a church makes sure that they believe that the Bible is the accurate Word of God, that Jesus Christ is God's Son, that He is fully God and man, and that only through faith in Jesus Christ can a person have eternal life. That is what I am searching for, a place where it is noticeable that God is present; a place where there are real Christians who believe in prayers and helping those less fortunate.

Once you have found this, first thank God, and then start developing a new relationship with Him. God is love, understanding, forgiveness to name a few. Towards the end of the book of 1 John, you will find just how much God loves you. As a child, God was instilled in you, now it’s time for you to give back. Show your love of Christ so that others see it in you. Finding a church means finding God in your spirit and soul. It is not a building, it is a relationship with your best friend, and it is an unending love.

Accept Christ today, find a house of worship and start talking Jesus up to all those you meet, and make an effort to meet those that are lost.

God bless you my friends.

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