Thursday, September 16, 2010

“Loving God”

As I look at my life and know what kind of woman I am, and the kind of life I strive to live, my thoughts get filled. I personally know all too well the frightening ability the brain has to control our thoughts. I have to depend on God’s word to help me to conquer the debilitating damage my thoughts create.

I can look back on things and be so overwhelmed with gratitude to God for being with me as I have gone through difficult times during my life. He has provided strength, and all the things necessary to get me to the next point. I was sharing with a friend today who is in dire need of love from above. I reminded them of Matthew 6:34, 34Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. It is hard for us to look at the big picture we get so focused on the fog in our life at the moment, not understanding “why”. It is so easy to do that when you are the one sitting there and nothing in your life seems right, and so easy for an outsider to say get over it and move on. I look to God for these answers, for I am human and don’t have any. God will give us His surefire instructions for handling “situations” and trials that come with each thought. He gives us His truth to think about, to believe in and to act on. When you have nothing, give that away, because the truth is, God will multiply it if only you give it to Him and trust Him with your worry.

See my friends all God ask is that you love Him; cope with today, the rest will come as He has planned. If you don’t have the hope of God, you have nothing. So no matter how hard today is, let God know how it is hurting you, how you feel so alone and scared. Then obey Him and Trust that He will show you the way.
If you feel like everyone needs something from you, or depending on you, you probably don’t take much time for just you alone. Jesus knows what this is like, see remember when He was praying and had asked everyone to leave Him alone, it didn’t happen, because Simon Peter disturbed Him to let Him know “Everyone is looking for you”.

Jesus knew what was ahead, he knew He would suffer at the hands of others, and He had done nothing wrong, but talk about His Heavenly Father. He was beaten, (Watch Passion of Christ) accused, dragged, nailed, read that folks, nails driven thru His hands and feet, and He was innocent. He knows what you are going through. He was imprisoned; he went without to give to His Father and us. Remember what He said on the cross…Forgive them Father for they know not what they do…Take a leap of faith, give it all to God and watch what happens. Be patient for good comes to all who wait patiently, and give of the Lord. His blood stained hands reach out to you, please take them. I love you my friends, God Bless each of you.


  1. Awesome blog Brenda.We all should show trust in God as he is thye only one you can truly trust.He guides so many through life.I gave God mine and he has kept me here for awhile longer yet. Keep up the great work Brenda.

  2. Trust is hard for some to give why is that so hard i know i have a lot of trouble to give trust and i know i should let go and give to the lord and i have try a lot for me it is so hard i have read this blog over and over i hope one day i can trust
