Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How to know when a man is in love with you?

Today many things have gone through my mind. Let’s say the brain had a busy work day, so now its time to get down to the facts and I want to do that by starting with some ways to know if your man loves you.

One of the most obvious signs that a man is in love with you is that he tells you, over and over. Men who are crazy about a woman want to openly express it. For many men, saying those words doesn't come easily. Another thing to watch for that suggests that a man has deep feelings is that he wants to make your life better. He'll ask what he can do to help you in any way, and he'll do whatever he can to ensure your life is full and happy. Men that really love you want to be close to those they adore and they will often call or email if you two are apart. If a man is in love with you he'll have a genuine concern for the things you are going through, He will ask about mundane everyday things and also will be emotionally invested in your life. If a man is willing to drop everything to listen to your problems or help you with something, he has strong feelings for you.

This next sign to me is the most important, at least to me. When a man is in love with you he will share his own feelings with you. He'll talk about his fears and the things that make him happy. A man who isn't in love may be afraid to be emotionally vulnerable. When a man loves you, he'll open up to you. How many of you have met this man, the one who will not open up no matter how much we try to get him too.

I said all this about when a man is in love with you to get to one major point. There is one man who loves you unconditionally, you have His undivided attention. He is in love with all His children, that man is Jesus Christ.

John 4:16 (King James Version) 16And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him.

Our relationship to God is like the loving relationship between a child and parent. Like a loving parent, God knows and cares deeply for each of us: Luke 12:6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Not everyone loves Jesus the way I do, and some not at all. For those I ask in Jesus name for His divine touch in their life and hope that He will let them see just how much He loves them, and how it’s not Him but Satan that takes that feeling of love away.

When you look into your man’s eyes, look deep into that soul, listen carefully as He talks to you, and don’t be afraid to share your feelings with Him. If He hears you, then you are on the right path to finding if that man is in love with you. Just don’t ever leave out the Man that truly loves you unconditionally, Jesus Christ.

I love you all my friends!


  1. when a men love a woman it is like you said Brenda he will listen and open his eyes and talk things out when a woman love a man she will do the same this so awesomeeeeeeeeeee brenda we love you too HBS

  2. what can one say but wow great job awesome work on this most men do not say much hugss
