Tuesday, September 14, 2010

“Choices in Life”

Why do we make bad choices in life? Life is about learning, including making the right decisions. We are presented with choices every day of our lives. Some choices are so minor that they really make no overall difference in our lives. Other choices can have a major influence not only on our life but also on the lives of our families, friends.

The people of Israel begin to protest that they want a king to lead them, so that they can be just like everyone else. Samuel was hurt that the people wanted new leadership after he had been providing a strong spiritual example to them for so many years. Samuel thinks to himself that this request is sinful on the part of the Israelites but he decides to pray to God for guidance regarding the Israelites’ request. God reiterates to Samuel explaining that the people are not against you, they are against me. Samuel warns the people about their request for a king and cautions that there will be some very serious consequences because of having kings.

God does grant their request and gives them Saul to become their first king, but Samuel does not just leave their poor choice alone. He emphasizes to the people that they need to continue to fear the Lord and obey Him. If the people continue down their current path and disobey the Lord and rebel against His commands, then the nation will reap some serious consequences.

Reading this story in the Bible just reaffirms to me how going against the right choices in life only causes us more pain and suffering. We have to continue to obey God and listen as He speaks. Give all your choices to God before you make your final one. We will continue to make bad choices, but there will be fewer if you think over your decisions and pray first. Life is about learning, but it is also about making smart choices. This includes choosing who is in your life. “I hold fast to God's Word daily. My life depends on it, and yours does too. The Bible tells us to choose our friends very carefully in this life. These verses will tell us that he who walks with wise people will become wise himself, but that he who keeps company with fools will be destroyed. The Bible tells us that we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. We are to stay away from people who cause divisions and offenses, and to withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly.

“The righteous should CHOOSE HIS FRIENDS CAREFULLY, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.” (Proverbs 12:26) “A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; for by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.”(Proverbs24:5) “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.” (Proverbs 19:20)

Choose God for all your choices…God bless you my friends!


  1. brenda we always have choices but what we do with the choices we have is up to us to make the right ones and with gods help we can acheive anything.

  2. Very nic blog Brenda.Yes we all make our own choices some are wrong but at the time some of us believe we made the right choice but like you say ask God as he will make the right choice.I now ask God for some of my choices and pray they are the right ones as I myself know I have made a few big bad choices and now will live with them.Keep up the great work for God Brenda
