Sunday, September 5, 2010

“Overcoming Anger”

The Lord calls us to:

     • Be merciful
     • Overlook the sins of others
     • Not to take revenge
     • Treat people with love and grace.

Anger must be overcome by the power of God’s Word and Spirit. 2 Timothy 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good

Are you so angry that you cannot find peace within yourself? You wake up not knowing how to handle a situation that has made you so angry that you just want to scream at someone. First, we have to get the root of the situation and figure out how it can be resolved. I was given a good example by a friend, they said it is just like you have a wall that needs to be painted and you go out and get the paint and just put it on the dirty wall, what happens is it after awhile the paint will just start to strip off. This same thing happens, when you let anger fester within yourself, layers of yourself start to peel. If you take time and prepare the wall first, the paint sticks properly and you move on to the next room. The first thing we have to do to figure out our own anger is to follow some simple steps.

1. Acknowledge that we are angry
2. Deal with the anger
3. If you see you have died inside, live for Christ
4. Break the hold anger has on you
5. Replace the anger with kindness and love
6. When you feel angry, take yourself out of the situation completely. Think about why you are angry, why it is holding you back, then get a grip on yourself and start reading Gods word and get into prayer.

Psalm 145:8 - The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Ecclesiastes 7:9 - Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ephesians 4:26 - In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

Anger will by God’s Grace be overcome!

God bless you my friends.


  1. this is so true Brenda i let my angry get bad lots and i asking for help i know i let it go to long when im mad at a person i dont know when to let it go. But i wanted to let you know this is awesome and keep your work going HUGSS


  2. Awesome blog Brenda.Anger as we all know it should not be held onto as it does effect others not just within so should look for God to help over come it and let life carry on.Keep up the great work Brenda.

  3. anger is a bad thing and a bad habit to get into but it can be better if we stay closer to gods way and keep him close to us at all times but i no im the worlds worst to get angry but we can ask forgiveness and god will take care of things for us.

  4. i have a lot of anger i also have come to this blog over the past 3 days and keep reading this one i hope in time it will help me to get over the anger i have thank you Brenda
