Monday, September 13, 2010

“A Time of Cleaning”

This past week I took some time off to go through my house and discard things that were of no use anymore. I found this very challenging, I found myself clinging to things that I had not even seen in two years. I also decided to paint two rooms of my house, give it a new feel and look, fresh, relaxing. What I found this week was a lost me, somewhere midst the dust bunnies and pile of old clothing I had disappeared. We keep things in our life that have no meaning or purpose, in some ways they weigh us down. I guess you could say I put my thinking cap on and looked around and saw that I had done the same thing with people in my life. Not everyone is a good choice for you; some bring you down or take you to their standards in life. It was time to open my eyes in all areas of my life, time to refocus on what and who was needed for me to be successful in Gods eyes.

The word of God can change our outlook on life but we have to be willing to listen to it and follow its teachings, if we are going to see the changes. We sense that separation, that distance from God because of our sin. The Bible tells us that "All of us like sheep have gone astray; each of us has turned to his own way.” Deep down, our attitude may be one of active rebellion or passive indifference toward God and his ways, but its all evidence of what the Bible calls sin. The result of sin in our lives is death -- spiritual separation from God. Although we may try to get close to God through our own effort, we inevitably fail. You ask what does this have to do with clothes and people, and paint. It has a lot to do with it. We change our appearance everyday in our lives thru the means of clothes, isn’t it time to change the inside appearance? To change the inside, we need to put ourselves where other people that choose God are and discard those that are of evil. Once we have done these things, we can seek God for a cleaner clearer vision of what it is He wants for us in our lives. The color crimson represents the Blood of the Lamb for me, its everlasting; it carries truth, understanding, love and eternal life, not dead red.

God bless you my friends…Ask God back into your home and your internal life.

1 comment:

  1. we all need a cleaning once in awhile and to evaluate whats going on around us keeps us on our toes to see more clearly and to focus on the things god wants us to do.
