Saturday, September 18, 2010

“Living Forever”

The spirit of the eagle looks out for others
A constant vigil to give guidance
I have seen much pain upon my journey.....
Life hasn’t always been good
For many years I was also lost
I now know the inner heart that resides within my soul and body
I’m bound to this earth till I find my way
God has always been with me
I was born again by faith...
Like a fallen angel from the midst of the heavenly clouds
It’s posted in the notebook of life
That my spirit shall live forever
For God will always be with me.
As I see the eagle soaring above
It leaves no doubt that the wind beneath His wings shall carry me home.

 I share with you a poem i wrote today...hope you enjoy.  Time is short, I climb another step on Jacobs ladder, waiting for God to carry me home.  I love you all my friends,  God bless


  1. Lost is what i am lost is who i am but now i have this blog all the time i thank you brenda for this i hope one day i will be found reading this does help me on my journey thank you

  2. very beautiful poen keep it up this is really awesome
