Friday, September 3, 2010


Will your faith withstand, for see FAITH MEANS BELIEVING THE UNBELIEVABLE …

People say it is hard to believe in someone you cannot see. Is it they cannot see or they just don’t have the faith to see? Luke 18: 27 - The things, which are impossible with men, are possible with God. Doesn’t His word tell us to just seek Him, and we will find Him with our HEART AND SOUL. Deut. 4:29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.

With our heart and soul we shall see who the Lord is, what He stands for and what He wants for us in our lives. The Lord has shown us many miracles throughout time in the Bible. “Jesus Walked on the Water” and so did Peter, until his faith faltered. Jesus healed, forgave and died. Were we there to witness these things? No, but each of us at some point in our life has witnessed a miracle that Jesus has performed. Jesus speaks to all of us, some just do not believe. God knows what your future holds, and you have to believe that He will be with you thru each step that you take.

Sometimes we have to step back and realize there is nothing unbelievable in what God does for us.

An unbelievable story all began early that morning when three women, exhausted and grief-filled, made their way to the tomb to find that the body of Jesus was no longer there, but now a man in a white robe. A man who spoke to them and said Jesus has risen. It began there, but here's the most unbelievable thing of all . . . the end is ours to live. These women were scared. They did not know what would happen if they went blabbing their mouths. They believed! You have to take that leap of FAITH and believe that without JESUS in your life, you will fail, no questions asked, there will be no hope of a day in Heaven. With BELIEF AND FAITH YOU SHALL FIND JESUS, SEEK HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND SOUL, AND THEN PLEASE DO NOT BE SCARED TO LET HIM IN.

I am Heaven bound in Christ, for I believe the ‘Unbelievable”, Jesus is alive in all of us. God bless you my friends.


  1. Very nice Brenda I do have belife and I have let Jesus in I go when he thinks it is my time and I have pray when I do he takes me to heaven as thats where God has a place for me to go.Keep up the great work please.

  2. without faith we cant stand the test faith is what we all got to have without it we have nothing to hold on to i no i let my non faith get me sometime but i allways no where my bethel is and can go back and ask god to forgive me. keep up the great work.
