Monday, September 20, 2010

Who is keeping Score in your life?

Every day somewhere, someone is keeping score, at the softball, soccer, and basketball or football game. Is anyone keeping score in your life? Do you feel like every move you make, someone will grade you? I do sometimes, but one thing I am sure of and that is that God does not score me.

You need to understand that God does not keep score in the sense that if we could only get enough points, then we would win salvation. The Bible teaches us that salvation is not something that we earn. Jesus said in Luke 17:10, “So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, we are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.” When we do everything that God tells us, we still have not earned our salvation. We are still dependent upon Him for eternal life. Salvation is a gift that God gives upon the condition of faith and obedience (see Hebrews 11:6 and Hebrews 5:9). Neither our faith nor our obedience earns our salvation; but God promises to give us salvation when we trust and obey Him. It is the promise of God in which we trust, not in our own faith or obedience. In that regard, God does not keep score because no matter how high a score we get, we will never be high enough to earn our salvation.

The next time someone keeps score on you, think about just how much Jesus loves you. He forgives all your sins for the asking. You can sleep peacefully knowing that. God loves you; no one can take that from you. Remember no one but yourself can get you to Heaven. God is there for you, reach out to Him today. Your salvation is in your hands, but it can be in His, if you will only Trust, and obey Him…I love you all my friends.


  1. Trust is a big word how can you trust when you been hurt so much like i have said alot on the blog i find it hard very hard to trust and yes i know i should trust but with all the hurt i have in me my life sucks and my score would be 0

  2. this is so awesomeeeeeeeeee i trust you and trust our God and you keep up this great work Brenda HBK
