Saturday, September 25, 2010

Will the suffering ever end?

We tend to be comfortable believing in God when all is going our way. But let tragedy strike and we can quickly begin to doubt His very existence. We will all suffer at some time. While it is never pleasant, both history and the Bible show that suffering can, in the end, produce good. Keeping this in mind can help us better learn to deal with suffering and accept it. God has a great purpose and plan that extends beyond this life. The world will finally see an end to suffering, but it won’t come through human effort. Bible prophecy reveals how that wonderful future will finally come about!

King David wrote in Psalm 23 about walking through "the shadow of death." Jesus Christ learned by His difficult circumstances and experiences (Hebrews 5:8), and so can we. When we focus on pain, we often forget how good life has been to us. Paul said we should always be thankful (Philippians 4:6). He also explained that the result of giving thanks is a "peace which surpasses all understanding" (verse 7).6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Many people undergoing severe trials make the mistake of trying to handle them alone. Without question, those who reach out to others in times of need benefit from doing so. We need human contact. "Two are better than one ... But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

When we try to deal with our suffering and trials alone, we tend to curl up and give up, this is not what God has intended as you see in Ecclesiastes, He wants you to reach out. What God promises for our future is beyond our own understanding, however He assures us of a place of no more pain, or suffering. As I have written before, God did not promise us a pain free body, He promised that He will be with us thru it all and will not allow anymore than you can handle, and Yes, He knows what that is. He tests our faith thru these times to see if we can withstand. Could you have withstood what Jesus went thru and kept your eyes focused on the prize ahead? He knew He had to go thru the pain and suffering for us. So the next time you feel you just can not go on, think about that and realize God loves you, and He will not forsake you, He will however test your faith, please don’t let Him down. God loves you, Be patient in all things that you ask, for if you believe and trust in God, all things are possible.

God bless you, my friends!


  1. thanks for the awesome blog it really is a big help in more ways then 1 so keep up the good work it is very uplifting. jr

  2. The suffering in this world will begin to come to an end after Christ returns and establishes God's government over all the nations of the earth. It is at that time that Satan will be restrained and Christ, with the resurrected saints, will teach all mankind God's law and way of life and will enforce peace and justice.

    The Feast of Tabernacles, a seven day festival commanded by God in the Bible, pictures the millennial rule of Christ and the happiness that will exist on the earth. That annual festival is taking place right now, having started last Wednesday night at sunset and continuing until next Wednesday night.
