Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Mighty Rushing Winds"

“Mighty Rushing Winds”
Throughout God’s word we find many mentions of wind, the mighty Rushing winds, but do you understand this type of wind. I have felt and partaken of this wind in the House of worship as well as at a funeral. When my sister-n- law passed away, she had been doing a lot of wrong things but one thing I knew in my heart was that she has always knew God, she tried so hard to get back to Him, she had the most awesome voice and she loved singing for the Lord. The day of her funeral I was sitting on the front row next to her casket outside, the pastor was talking about her, when I felt a nudge, I looked over to my right and at the side of her casket I saw Jesus kneeling, his face was not there but I knew it was Him, when I questioned it I was told you will know by the mighty rushing wind that I am here, you are to let the others know I am here. Tell the others. The word was so powerful I couldn’t hold myself back, I was trembling, I couldn’t hesitate the Lord was waiting on me, so I spoke up and said I have a message, I don’t remember the full message for the spirit took over me, but I do remember saying for you shall know by my mighty rushing wind, and as soon as I had got that out of my mouth, the wind came in so strong that it almost knocked us out of our chairs, all I could think of was I have to praise Him. I cried and praised His Holy Name, I got up and went to the coffin and told everyone that Jesus had appeared before me on the side of her casket, for us to know we aren’t alone and that she would be ok. I didn’t want to leave that day; I wanted more of His mighty rushing wind. This had happened once before at my own dad’s funeral, the wind was so mighty it blew the flowers off dads casket, it gave us so much peace. Each time I go to my dad’s grave I ask God for His mercy and for that mighty wind.

Do you have God’s almighty wind in your life? Have you been filled with His undying spirit, been given His mercy? If not you need to ask, and seek this. God gives us so much, and He has so much more to offer, we have to desire it. This morning I am hungry for His mercy and almighty wind, I feel alone inside, desolate, and I want to feel His spirit, I ask for His divine sleep for my body. I ask for that wind to take me where my spirit and soul needs to be, to take back a life I used to have. God’s word gives us so many scriptures on this wind and love, below are just a few. Get on your knees today and ask God for understanding and wisdom in your lives.

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. ... Acts2:1-5….please read thru vs. 47.

Know that the mighty wind is the voice of God, in spirit, but also know that satan has the power to send mighty winds as well, so please be cautious and know Gods word for protection. All this is given freely, just ask Him…God bless each of you today as I pray that God fills your souls with His everlasting spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog Brenda.Sorry for your lost.Winds come and winds go but if you are out where it is quiet while it is blowing you can hear God speaking in many different words to you as I walk alone and hear many words from God as now I know it him who travels with me.Kepp up the great work love reading your blogs Brenda.
