Saturday, March 20, 2010

He Loves You

“Do You Love Me”

I sit in a small ball today, filled with tears, wondering why I feel so unloved. Why does everyone leave me out, or not need me or want me even. Friends seem to come and go, seems the minute you get sick, they do not want to hear about it, they want you only when you are happy and can do for them. However, do not let them get sick and you are not there for them. Isn’t it amazing how someone can love you so much and love being with you, but cant…all I can say is I am so glad I have Jesus in my life, He loves me all the time, especially when I am down, sad, sick, depressed, for this is when He wants to make me smile again. I remember the story in the bible about Peter and Jesus asking him do you love me. Peter was so upset when Jesus kept asking him, three times in fact. Peter felt sad when Jesus asked him; He could still remember that terrible night when Jesus was arrested. Three was the number of times Peter had told others that he knew nothing about Jesus. He sighed. "Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you." Jesus loved all the disciples just as He loves each of us. He will always pick you up when you are down, so while others are deciding if they can allow you to be in their life, never forget how valuable you are to your Heavenly Father, He loves you at all times. The next time you have a day like I have, take a minute to realize that we here on earth are humans, we don’t take time out of our day to realize just how we hurt others, but our Father hears our cries and always has a open arm for you. Let Him in, He loves you!

1 comment:

  1. Brenda awesome blog about love.I have read so many of your blogs I believe you are part wrong on this one as I feel so many love you not only as a friend but some may just need time to open up again to you as in one blog you had said you had not been out for sometime.You keep up the great work of God please Brenda.
