Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Faith in my Dreams"

“My Personal Dream”

"For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction." Job 33:14-16

A dear friend of mine had troubled sleep as he re-lived pain, and loneliness but the Lord showed him the meaning of this dream. Many of us dream during the night, but how many of us have the same reoccurring dream over and over again. I have had the same dream for the past 4 or 5 years now, each one takes me back to a home I lived in at a different time in my life, and across the other side is a hill where I see people running, screaming, coming down the hill in a panic, I look back as I see myself being lifted up, in small levels, but I see homes behind me that are beautiful, like the most expensive homes ever with built in stores, I can’t seem to get there but I am escaping the fire that is starting on the hillside. I start up my sister’s drive to see her and I can’t get there, just people at the bottom now, they won’t let me come back? I go back to the porch of my home and there is so much destruction, trees down, half finished deck, but I see my German shepherd where she belongs. I am always focused on a home that is falling apart, from water stains on the ceilings everywhere to big holes in the bedroom ceiling, and the bathroom is unfinished. I hear a car, look out and always see people, but no faces, someone breaking in the kitchen door. I wake up exhausted with a cold sweat, crying. I am searching for something here that I do know, but what? I want to find the answers, last night as I dreamed this again, I saw my dad on the deck, he was telling me how to do something right, I tried to get to him, I couldn’t reach him. Where do I go now?
The first occurs after Jacob has duped his older brother and is fleeing for his life (Gen. 28:10-22). He is alone, running to his mother’s relatives. But he must stop to sleep. In this condition, he is a good candidate for an intrusion from beyond. He dreams of angels coming and going, messengers and promise-makers. He hears God’s voice of promise. The God rooted in his family promises land. This odd holy voice of the night also promises to be with this fugitive and to bring him safely home. This dream is one that we see the Holy one is giving instruction, giving him a promise from God.
Perhaps the best-known biblical dream appears at the conclusion of the visit by the Magi: "And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road" (Matt. 2:12). The Christ child is threatened by power (see v. 16; Exod. 1:16). In order to secure a future for the child, the voice of the holy intervenes in the night when the royal menace is at rest.
I can’t say I understand the full realm of dreams and visions, I know God has given me visions before that have awakened my spirit. I know in my own dream the part where I am being lifted means I am making way in the right direction of doing God’s work, for the rest I still don’t have understanding. I seek the Lord for answers to this, if you too have had dreams that disturb you or have shown you new beginnings, please send me an email and share. I would love to pray with you over these. God bless each of you and may all your dreams be good ones, and may all your answers be made known to you. If you are a witness for the Lord and have understanding into my own dream, please share with me via email and I will contact you. God bless!

1 comment:

  1. One awesome blog Brenda.I have dreamed the same one over and over in my life once I had thought I had found the right answer to what I had been dreaming but I was totally wrong so I had asked God for guildance and have not had the dream again so now I wait to see if it has been answered.Keep up the great work of God.
