Saturday, March 6, 2010

"God chooses me"

“Why God Chooses Me”

I have often been confused when God shows me things and gives me things that I need to tell a particular person. Why does He choose to show me things, and use me? Why does He choose to trust me with His work? I can’t explain this, but surely God can, read ahead what I found God has to say:

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts -Isaiah 55:9, ESV

I would describe God’s using us to accomplish His purposes as an act of love on His part toward us. He could do it without us, but then we wouldn’t be privileged to enjoy seeing God accomplish His purposes through us. Today, I was sharing with a dear friend, when God showed me a child who was hurting, pulling at the curtails of a woman, and all the woman sees is a little once craving attention, but my heart aches for I see a pain within this child that stems from a sickness. All I can do is telling my friend that he must carry this news to the lady for he knows her. So now, if he follows this word, the child will be healed, but if not, we have a baby that will be suffering for he can’t tell the adult what he needs. This is one of the hardest things for me, knowing it’s out of my realm of control, and also knowing God trusted me to give the message, I ask why me? “Because I love you, saith God”, and this is enough for me. During this same conversation I see a young man who is willing to follow Jesus, but he don’t have the tools necessary or the voice, but once again my friend can help him, so I ask him to reach out to this young man. My friend is following his path with Jesus himself, and struggling each day to get past the earthly pain and loneliness that he is feeling within, even though he knows he has been called to be a prophet. He like us wants to do the Lord’s work but some days are just harder than others. What we have to look at is, it wasn’ easy for the first 12 disciples either, they gave up everything, but they were willing to leave everything behind to do so. Are we? God will use us to accomplish his goals here on earth, for it gives Him great pleasure to watch us love him. “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”: Ephesians 4:12.

Remember that God uses all people; He even works thru those that are against him, as He did with Jacob, His first 130 years were anything but good, but when he was brought to the ruler of Egypt, God was able to use him to achieve His goals. God achieved His purposes through Jacob because of who God is, not because Jacob was an incredible man of righteousness.

May God achieve His purposes through you, with your full cooperation and devotion, not in spite of your weakness and poor character? Will you allow Jesus into your life, so that today He can use you for His will as He did Jacob?

As I pray today, I ask God to use me for His will, to spread His good news and to show others the love He has for them. I ask for divine protection on those who He has chosen to do a work for Him and give understanding and most importantly wisdom to know right from wrong, when to speak and when not to. I ask today for God to be with my brother in Christ as he goes thru difficult days ahead as He has to let more and more go, but also Lord I ask that you protect him and give him rest as his heart is heavy precious Father. For all that try to stay on the right path Lord give them safety, and assurance. Father please watch over and help me as I make decisions in the days to come, help me to stay away from harm’s way. I ask for health today for myself as well as all those that are reading this and for my friends that are unable to. I thank you for it all in Jesus Holy name. Amen!

Worth repeating…For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts -Isaiah 55:9, ESV

1 comment:

  1. To tell you the truth Brenda God could not of picked a nicer person on the earth to help spread his word.Your wisdom is so out standing so is your honesty.Keep up the great work look forward to reading your work.
