Friday, March 26, 2010

Is your vision inline with God's

God watching over us with Clear Eyes

Over the past few months I have been having headaches, eyes watering, my vision has been impaired. This makes things blurred, very hard to see. Even trying to do my daily blogs has been hard at times because the words just kind of disappear. Of course, once I put my glasses on things become so much clearer. I have become very lazy and often work without them, not realizing how I not only am risking wording things incorrectly, but more importantly, I am at risk of losing my eyesight. Unfortunately having diabetes, I have to be careful. This got me to thinking today on just how my vision is flawed.
Jesus is at a dinner party at the home of Simon the Pharisee, and to the shock of all the guests, a local prostitute named Mary Magdalene crashed the party. Jesus and the Pharisee looked at the same person, but they were not seeing the same thing. The Pharisee looked at Mary Magdalene through the lens of judgment and saw only a sinner who was unclean. Jesus looked at Mary through the lens of compassion, and saw someone who had been stuck in her sins but had something better inside her. That was what motivated Him to treat her with kindness and acceptance. Unlike the Pharisee, He did not base His actions on whether Mary was “worthy” or not; He looked at her as someone who was suffering because of her sins, and His reaction was compassion and forgiveness.
We know from the rest of Mary Magdalene’s story, the compassion and acceptance Jesus offered her enabled Mary to leave her sins behind and become the person of faith and goodness that Jesus saw. She became part of the inner circle of Jesus’ followers, and was the first person to spread the Good News of His Resurrection. Compassion changes people; it changes them from being objects of “charity” to being persons of dignity and value who are loved by God. That enables them to change how they see things.

If your physical lens is flawed, you go to an eye doctor so your vision can be corrected. However, if your spiritual lens is flawed, you need to go to the Great Physician Himself. All of us need to let Jesus correct our flawed vision so that we can see the world and other people the way He did. Only then will we be able to treat others the way He did, and out of the same motivations He had. Ask Jesus for a clearer vision, so that you too can become a better person with better sight. Remember He is watching over you at all times.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog Brenda.Yes we do need to to seek the Lord for the help to clear the vision of spiritual but he canm not always correct it alone you may also need help from friends and love ones.Keep up the great work Brenda.
