Thursday, August 19, 2010

Taking a Chance with God

Luke 22:31-32 (King James Version) 31And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

Here the Lord is talking to Peter (Simon) about weakness of the flesh, and how He prays that by faith in Him trials that tend to reveal weakness will be used to glorify Him and help you to grow in your faith. This was important for the disciples to learn if they planned on being effective once He ascended into heaven.

As you are going thru life facing physical afflictions, spiritual attacks, financial ruin or the death of a loved one. It is important that you truly know that Christ is in Heaven, and that He sees you and all your diversity. Jesus is with great love and tenderness praying that your faith persevere and that the trial will be used to your sanctification. We are assured that we are loved and embraced by the Lord by faith alone, because one thing is for sure, His Father always answers Jesus’ prayers. He does all the praying for us, so do not give up, you have Jesus on your side.

We must cast ourselves upon the Lord and His infinite wisdom in the trials we face. We may feel battered. We may feel as if we have been

left alone. We may feel as if there is no strength left to fight the battle any longer. Nevertheless, here comes Christ not in the first watch of the night, but in the fourth watch of the night. Here He comes walking victoriously as our King upon the stormy waves to show forth His might and power to deliver us or to help us. Here is the reason we can never give up

and quit as a Christian. The Lord will come to us even if it is in the fourth watch of the night. Although we might forget Him, Christ will not forget those who embrace Him by faith alone. Faltering and weak as we may be—He will not forget us (according to Isaiah 49:14-16).

As I have faced many temptations and failed at many, I am relieved to know my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and honored that I have a God who loves me even as I make mistake after mistake. He is your Savior as well, ask Him to pray and intercede to His Father on your behalf. Love Him, for He loves you!

Praise you Father!


  1. a time is with God and i love to have that time with him and you are so right Brenda keep good work up HBS

  2. Awesome blog Brenda.I enjoy reading the blogs you do you have done a great job helping others like me.I try and spend time with God each day I know myself it is not enough but I do try and I hope God understands.Keep up the great work PLEASE Brenda.
