Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stumbling Blocks

Romans 14:13

Let us not therefore judge one another anymore: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

Can you think of a time when God acted in your life – turning a perceived stumbling block into a stepping stone?

When faced with an obstacle, I realize I need to rely not on me, but on God, and that God will provide.

In the book of Joshua we meet the Israelites as they are preparing for the momentous point in their history when they are about to cross the Jordan River and enter the Promised Land. However, it was harvest time, and the river was in flood. Not exactly, the best time for a river crossing. An obstacle – a stumbling block to be sure.

I wonder if the people were remembering all the Lord had done for them previously when they were at the red sea and God parted it. As in the parting of the Red Sea, God again made a way when there was no way. The waters on the upstream side rose up in a heap and stood still, and the downstream side toward the Red Sea was cut off. God created a pathway along dry ground.

The living God lives among us. God does not abandon us when we find ourselves in the wilderness or when obstacles or challenges confront us.

The next time something or someone gets in your way, remember that God is with you, turn those blocks into stones and accept His help.

1 comment:

  1. Very good Brenda.We all have stumbling blocks in our life but it great thanks to you that God is with us even when it comes to the blocks.Keep up the great work .
