Thursday, August 5, 2010

“Are you in your own way?”

Last night I visited a church I grew up in to listen to my nephew Josh as he was going to be giving the message. A few days earlier on Sunday, he had said he thought he would talk about getting in your own way because when the pastor had asked him to do the service, he originally said no, then decided that why not, the answer was because I am getting in my own way. I thought about what he was saying as I laid down to sleep last night and again when I woke up this morning and realized that is exactly what holds us back from doing God’s work. We do! I wanted to pursue this subject even further than Josh did, so I dedicate this blog to Josh and Thank God for letting his service touch a spot in me.

“We don’t always want to undertake the necessary steps needed to do what is necessary to walk the path to get to Heaven, but we have to start somewhere. We do not want to have to do things we are uncomfortable doing, like “putting ourselves out there.” We do not stop to think about the sacrifices we might need to make along the way in order to reach our final goal or destination. If you want to succeed in life, you will have to get out of your own way and step over your fears. You know the best way to move forward is to ignore those fears. We are all going to face roadblocks in our life, they come in many forms and fashions, but not one of them can put a stop to you reaching your destination besides yourself.

You are a work in progress, you will stumble on your way, and you will even fall. However, Praise God you have someone to pick you up, Jesus Christ!

Get rid of the negativity in your life, stomp Satan out in Jesus name and move forward down the path of righteousness. Get out of your own way right now before you are standing before God with every excuse possible as to why you continuously sinned. That will be too late. God sees thru you, He knows every thought you have, He knows where you will be in five years. However, He gives you every opportunity to change what is wrong in your life. Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding.

(Job 19:25, 26, 27 KJV). I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He shall stand at last on the earth' 26And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: 27Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

For me Job is such a great example of someone who did not get in his own way, He trusted in God from the beginning. No matter what obstacle was thrown before him, he did not give in. Job was a righteous man, feared God, and avoided all evils, but God allowed disaster to fall upon him. What is even more painful to Job was that not only did he not receive understanding and comfort from his three friends, but also they have persistently criticized him. They were certain that Job’s suffering was because of his sin, but Job argued with them because he had to stand up for his own innocence. When disaster fell upon Job, God kept silent until Job 38-41 when He spoke. Within the few chapters, God asked Job question after question that touched upon the secrets of the world. He wanted Job to understand that in reality of a person’s life, there are many things that we cannot understand, and will not be able to explain either. However, God does not owe us any answers or reasons. Job kept true to himself. Job’s friends sounded very reasonable, and spiritual, and Elihu’s comments were even stated rightly; Job’s defense was very week and he was not able to give any evidence to justify his innocence. However, Job did not hide his conscience and honestly faced God and himself, believing in the existing of the living God, and said, “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as Gold.” (Job 23:10)

What would have happened if Job had given in to the nonsense and allowed everyone to get to him, He did not get in his own way. He trusted in God from day one and walked in faith.

Let go of your fears so that you too can get out of your own way. Praise God, Glory to the Mighty I Am!

God bless you Joshua, Keep your eyes on God and do not let anyone or anything get in your way. In addition, please GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY!


  1. Awesome Brenda and very well put and true.I think everyone that wants to getr things out big or small should go for it and just do it do not let anyone or anything get into your way.The Lord will be with whom ever when help is needed.Keep up the great work.

  2. awesomeeeeeeee job Brenda you are ture on this too keep good work up HBS
