Monday, August 2, 2010

“Living on a Tightrope”

I do not know about you but I feel like I am living my life on a tightrope, tied so tight I cannot breathe. I cannot seem to do anything right, cannot please anyone. He says, she says bull crap. You know those so-called friends in life. The ones who butter you up so they can drag information out of you, and even when you do not say anything, they say you do. Alternatively, those that belittle you until you just hope you fall off that tight rope. That is where my life is today. Dealing with pain is hard enough and then you have the creepy black objects (Satan) following every little footstep that I make. I know I am not alone with this. I came home in tears today, just trying to survive the pain. It is at this time I know I have to seek God, for I cannot do this alone.

The following comes to mind; maintain a sense of purpose, keep negative thoughts out of the way, hold tight onto self-confidence, keep a sense of balance, develop and maintain a strong support system, and gather knowledge and use it to your best advantage.

Let us look at these together; sense of purpose- The Bible brings a sense of life in itself. It gives us knowledge and understanding; it allows us to see just how much God loves us. God had a purpose for our lives when He gave us life.

Negative thoughts: I personally think it is safe to say that peace of mind is only possible if we learn to stop negative thinking. Sometimes it is just a matter of training your mind to think positive, and stop wasting energy being negative. “For God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Think on good things. Think about all the blessings you have and dwell on them. Make a list of your blessings at a time when you are not already upset and then keep it with me.

Self-confidence: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5. When we know without a shadow of doubt that God is for us, we develop the self-confidence we need to succeed. Do not get me wrong. Self-confidence is not arrogance. Its pride in yourself, assurity that knowing God will give you the confidence you need in life. As your confidence grows in God, so will your confidence in yourself.

A sense of balance: There is no reason for Bible study if you do not live your life richly with God at your hand. You have to find balance in life. God knows that times will not always be great here, that we will suffer from many things. However, He gives us tools such as the Bible, and good people to be with so that we are balanced.

Strong support system: A strong support system improves your confidence and your success in life. We all need encouragement from our family and friends, unfortunately, we do not always get that, so we have to step out of our boundaries and seek Gods people. Sometimes we find as I did today that those you thought loved you and had your best interest at hand really did not. They were just for themselves. There is one to who always supports and loves me unconditionally and that is Jesus Christ.

Knowledge: 6That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. 7I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 45:6,7.

As I finish this up, I find tears, and not because I am sad, but because I let, others hurt me today and did not step back and ask God in. Please take this advice the next time someone is on your back and realize you do not have to take it. God will intercede and be there for you…Just ask.

God bless you all my friends!


  1. brenda them people are not with god hon and dont you like them get yuo down awesomeeeeeeee job again on this keep the good work up


  2. Awesome Brenda.I do know how you feelI myself went through it for months as someone held me on tight rope I am sure wanting to see if I would fall but it was done by jealousy and I did not heve enough confidence to know better so now I sit in tears.Keep up the great work.
