Saturday, August 7, 2010


A drama queen/king is notoriously self-centered and self-absorbed, often viewing friends and relatives as lesser beings assigned to take care of his/her personal needs.

We all have drama kings and queens in our lives. You know who they are! These people enjoy creating drama or chaos. They thrive on stirring up conflict, adding fuel to the fire. They are in our families, they are in our friendships and they are in our workplaces. These people seek excitement and attention by playing the lead role in drama. Have you ever noticed how the drama king or queen is always the focal point, playing the victim? You did this to ME! This happened to ME! It is YOUR fault! Poor ME! You have seen this before. We all have. The good news is, we all have choice. We do not have to play their games, to be sucked into their drama; we have the choice to just let them wallow in their own self-pity, because that is after all what it is all about. It actually becomes very uncomfortable to be in the same space with dramatic people. You have to make a choice on whether you want to participate in the drama. On the other hand, you can choose to be silent. Observe without attaching any emotion to the situation. This is very difficult especially if it is coming from family members or loved ones. It is even more difficult when you become the object of the drama! Remember the one creating the drama is really projecting “it is all about ME.” In order not to be involved in their drama, one must consciously remember to not add fuel to their fire. Let them talk, rant, blame or whatever they are projecting onto you, as ‘their’ silent observer. Remember this is THEIR stage, this is their play. They will try their best to suck you in by blaming you; it is YOUR fault etc. Stand tall, holding your ground and listen. They will bait you by saying something about you; it will feel like a personal attack. That is what they are looking for, for you to play their game, for you to jump onto their stage and attack back! When you listen without adding any comments, what you are really doing is putting water on their fire. You see if you do not add the fuel, there is no longer a fire! They have nothing to create drama with because there are no players! Drama kings and queens need players.

Do not let the Drama king or queen takes over whom you are, because I find in my own personal life that it is just Satan in disguise. He wants you to be stirred up and scream and cry, and then He can just sit back and laugh. This gives Satan reason to laugh and to stay on your back, He has you all riled up inside and out now. How do I know this? At work lately all I have found is drama, as I wrote the other day, he says, she says, trying to come between others and me for their own glorifying so they look good. I was stupid and played right into their hands. I have talked to a few good Christian friends these past few days, they have reminded me to whom I live for, and how no one is hurt here but me. I let them get to me. Now, I have to let it go and let God handle the situations. I thought these people were my friends, but found out quickly they were not, they just used me or staged me as some say. Played me for a fool and succeeded.

I want to see what the Bible has to say about these kings and queens, also known as gossipers.

Leviticus 19:16. Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor; I am the LORD

Proverbs 11:13 A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.

Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers

Father, I come before you asking this day for forgiveness for all my sins, and for a cleansing of my spirit. Father I ask that you give me a heart of forgiveness for all those who have used me and brought me into their playground. I ask Precious Father for a clear conscious and better spirit towards all. Father I ask for forgiveness to those who have been hurting me, for I forgive them in Jesus name. As I get ready to move forward in your works, I ask for your wisdom and encouragement to do all things for you and in your name. I love you Father and I thank you for loving me and enduring with the crap I have put you through. Thank you in Jesus name for allowing me to talk to you …In Jesus name I Pray, Amen!


  1. A very true Brenda there is drama in everyones life.I do not myself like it and if I have ever gave any to anyone I am so sorry.People should keep the drama to them self.I do hope you are able to forgive them as you are a awesome lady love your work you have been doing on here.Please keep up the great work.

  2. your right Brenda they have drama every where you look and most of all on the internet God need to help them all on it they take it to far something .Keep the good work up Brenda hugssss

