Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Facing Fear of the End"

Death is an essential part of life for a Christian. One has to believe that there is an eternal life with God, because Jesus told us as much. It is all about Faith in Jesus’ word. Satan also plays an important role in eternal life; He also gives his word on where your life will be. The choice is all ours. As Christians, we must think about the means by which we can be spiritually strengthened and comforted during the illnesses and problems that will arise in our earthly lives. Satan would love to let you believe that God has no intention of you getting well, to give you reasons to walk away from God and trust in him. I was sharing with a friend today on how fear of standing before God has me so scared. I know I am not perfect and I have sinned so many times and I am sure I will many more. I let people here on earth make me think that even though I ask God for forgiveness for my sins and walk away from them that I will still be persecuted for them when I stand before Him. This friend reminded me of how little faith I have if that is really, what I believe. I know Gods word tells me to go before the Father and lay my sins before Him, asking for forgiveness, then walk away and forget because that is what Jesus does; He dumps it out of His mind. If this were not true then why in the world did He bother coming back to earth, to be beaten, ridiculed and nailed to a cross?

As the tears stream down my face, I glanced up and read the title I put here, facing the fear of the end, it hit me like a ton of bricks, shouldn’t I be fearing living, the sins of the world, the evil here on earth. Death is a new life, its redemption for what has been done to us here on earth. This new life will have no room in its many mansions for the likes of Satan. My friend also reminded me that Satan looks good; he has many temptations available to you for the taking. He is deceiving, manipulative, oh, he can wrap you around his little finger over, and over and over again, that is if you allow him to. He promises you a life of fire, pain, suffering, oh you can party all the time in hell, and sure, you like the heat. Well that is the other option isn’t it?

When starting to have a relationship with God, it is an acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, and prayer that the end of life will find you ready to meet God and enter Heaven. The key to dying well is living well. Living well means a life characterized by love of God and love of neighbor.. Death is a certainty, we all face it, and nothing and no one can stop that. In the book of Romans, we read, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). We also read, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus" (Romans 6:23). The Prince of Peace came to Earth so that each person might have peace with God. We must decide if we will accept God's gift of eternal life. If we reject God's gift, we are condemned to spiritual death -- eternal separation from God. If we do accept, however, then eternal life is ours.

While this eternal life does not mean we will escape physical death, we can face death a lot easier knowing that it leads to eternal life in heaven.

God loves you and has a plan for your life here on earth and an eternity in Heaven with Him. I hope I can be like Job and Fear God and shun evil so that I too will have a home in Heaven. I look forward to my time to be in God’s presence with no more fear, for there I shall have peace.

I choose God........................................................

God bless you my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Brenda you said it perfect in the blog one of the most enjoy able blogs i have read yet as I myself fear faceing the end in this life and yes we all have sinned and many more if not all will sinn again in our life.I do believe there is another life after death but i do fear the end of this one.Keep up the great work Please my awesome friend.
