Friday, August 27, 2010

“Balancing Life”

In order to get balance into your life you must discover your purpose, establish your priorities and you must make your plan. Finding balance in our lives is sometimes very hard to do. We cannot seem to find out how to handle the pressure of what the boss is telling us to do, what your spouse is asking you to do, what the kids want you to do, what the school is requiring of you, what the church is calling for you to do, the expectations of friends, extended family, and so on. Where do we find time for the Lord in our busy lives? Some of us even thrive on chaos — the more the better. The days are a swirl of overwhelming activity from beginning to end. Some people handle it by withdrawing from everything. They feel burned out by people and activities, and now they just say “No” to everything. They never join anything, or if they were involved, they quit everything they used to do. It is the only way they know how to handle it. Others withdraw by retreating into a world of fantasy. They enter a false world where they do not have to be involved with other people on a real level. They sit for hours in front of the television, read countless books or watch an endless string of movies. They retreat into the chat rooms of the internet with its pretend relationships. I know personally I have done most of these at one point in my life, and if not these, I find resolve in slumber. There has to be balance. God does not mean for us to live like this. What happens when a tire is out of balance on your car? One tire out of balance by just a few ounces can shake a whole car. What happens when you have inner ear problems and lose your sense of balance? Your whole world becomes disoriented, and on both occasions you seek help, you take your tire to the shop to be fixed and you find a doctor to give you medication to clear the ear up. So, tell me why we are not seeking help for the imbalance in our lives. The first thing you have to do, if you are going to have balance in your life is to discover your purpose. What is your purpose in this world? The Bible says, “If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” (Romans 14:8). If it is true that we belong to the Lord, then we have the obligation to live for the Lord. When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order. - Proverbs 28:2

Even a nation in disorder is it is in our lives. Where disorder reigns, we find instability in our personal lives. "For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace." - 1 Corinthians 14:32 God wants things to be in balance both in the church and in our personal lives. The only way that you can have any kind of balance in your life is if the Lord is part of it. Seek Him today. God bless you my friends!

1 comment:

  1. A very well written blog Brenda and very true in order to have a balanced life the most important part is that everyone shoud or must have the Lord in it.Keep up the awesome blogs Brenda.
