Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Trusting God when times are difficult usually is very hard for us to do. It isn’t always easy putting our trust in someone we cannot see. When I am feeling like this I like to remember Hagar in the Bible, A maidservant for Abram and Sarai.

Hagar was a woman of courage and endurance. Hagar was the Egyptian slave of Sarah; she was made pregnant by Abraham, the husband of Sarah. While she was pregnant, God promised that her child would be the ancestor of a great nation. Hagar was never fully accepted into the Hebrew group despite being the mother of Abraham’s child. In the end she was rejected completely, and expelled. But she was protected by God against the hatred of Sarah, and in the end lived as a free woman, no longer a slave. Hagar lived thru hatred of another woman, fear of losing her life, fear of losing her son to death. However Hagar turned to God when it counted the most, she was a strong lady, she took her child and went into a desert to reach her own people almost making it their when an angel of God told her to go back to Abram and Sarai and have her baby, because God had plans for her son, she could of kept going but she didn’t she turned around and went back to the woman who despised her, and wanted her dead. Hagar trusted Gods message. This is what I love and it gives me encouragement to just trust God when things feel like they will never be right.

As I have cried most of the day due to situations I found myself reaching for God to comfort me where I couldn’t find it within. I felt today as if I were lost in the desert with nowhere to turn. I felt like I just cannot do anything right; everything is tumbling down around me. I close today with a tear and a heart seeking to hear Gods message.

I love you my friends!

1 comment:

  1. You are right it is hard to put trust insomeone u can not see but i have been through a few hard times lately and i have had to give it to God to help me out it is hard when u lose a love ones.Keep it up Bre
