Thursday, February 24, 2011


Death is life’s greatest mystery; therefore it is only natural for men to fear death. However, if you believe in God and follow His word and commandments you have nothing to fear. When death comes it is defined as a separation of the spirit from the body. Genesis 2:7 (KJV) 7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Now at death, the body will return to dust and the soul will be released from the physical body. Our own spiritual death comes later, it is what we call the second death as stated in Revelation 20:6 6Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

I say all this because as a human being I too have questions that I know I cannot get the answers to, but I do have the Trust needed in the Lord to believe His word and truth. As a family member just passed away this week from aspiration, and known to be a drug user, we do not know where their soul will rest? They chose to live a life outside of God, to put all their self into the drugs, What was their last thought, was they capable of a thought in their physical way, did God pull them out of hell or is this a life they chose when given the opportunity to know the Lord. They grew up as a child knowing God; their parents had them in church. So many tried to talk to this individual, but the drugs had taken control of his mind. We all want to believe that this individual will go to Heaven; however, the Lord tells us that very few will make it into Heaven.

I am telling you this today so that if you aren’t right with God, this is your opportunity, you may not have later, just as this individual didn’t. Do you have a family member that you need to reach out to, but you are scared to be around them? Could you not ask for Gods protection for you so that you could extend your hand?

DEATH IS AN ENDING to the unbeliever it is indeed THE END. The unbeliever or one who is unfaithful can see nothing beyond the grave. Those who are unprepared for death have a horrible surprise coming. Please be prepared, and if you like me just lost someone and aren’t sure of where their soul will go, pray mercifully for God’s forgiveness for their sins. That’s all we can do, they chose their destination. But please don’t be left behind knowing you could have been the one who could have changed their course in life.

Matthew 13:42: "And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Mark 9:43 describes it as a place of “unquenchable fire

There is nothing pretty or easy about this writing today, my heart aches as the tears flow from not having the assurance of our loved ones soul.

Father in Heaven, I come before you asking for peace and a calming for my wandering mind and my worries, I know I can’t change what has happened, but I know with your word, strength and love that i can help save someone else, Lord will you please guide and care for me as I know you do for all your children, Lord will you give this family a peace and a deeper knowledge of who you are. Lord we need world peace, there is so much going on in this country as well as those surrounding us, Lord I ask for your divine protection over our president and those who are fighting these unending wars for our safety. Lord we need protection from the drug wars and alcohol wars that are taking over so many of our young. Give us understanding and guidance as we try to save our youth and adults as well from this deadly poison. Father I know I can talk to you about anything, so I am asking for your touch for the family members that just lost a brother, uncle, cousin, nephew and or son. I trust you Father and believe in what you are capable of doing, for you gave us each life and an opportunity for an everlasting life. Thank you for loving me, please keep me from sin, and God of healing please let me listen with an open mind and respond to others with an open heart, that they too will receive healing, love, understanding and peace in your Holy name. Thank you for listening and guiding me. I praise you and adore you in Jesus Holy name, Amen!

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