Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God’s Beauty To believe is to Look All around You Don’t be a fool

"The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good" (Psalm 14, 1).

You would think that when God gave us a Book (Bible) about Himself and His ways that a large part of that Book would consist in proofs, evidences and arguments to demonstrate His own existence so that people who read the Book would have answers to their doubts.

However the Bible doesn't give us arguments in any form or way to show and prove the existence of God. While the Bible does not give us formal arguments to prove the existence of God, what it does do is tell us what God has done. "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth." It then goes on to give some detail about how it was done in six days, out of nothing, simply by the pure power and Word of God.

Because God made our mind in a certain way He knows and understands very well that we ought, all of us, to be able to draw conclusions from the things that are round about us.

What we believe has a tremendous effect upon how we live. Of course it does! If we believe there is no God, nothing after death, no moral laws of any kind, then what does it matter how I live? Why don't I get drunk, why don't I take drugs, why don't I become a criminal, why don't I kill people, why don't I steal their cars, why should I have to work when I can steal instead? That is the way people think when there is no God in their minds. But as soon as you believe in God looking down upon you, you can't steal someone else's car without remembering that the God Who is looking is going to pursue you and punish you.

It makes all the difference. So, if people are foolish enough not to believe in God, immediately they become corrupt. They choose to live a life for themselves, and then blame God when all things go wrong. They are in a rut, and can’t find a way out so they have to blame someone, and it is usually God, you know the one they do not believe in. The one and only way you can know God, is by seeking Him. Listen to what God Himself said. He said, "Seek, and ye shall find" (Luke 11, 9). If you want to know God for yourself, then, says God, "thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul" (Deuteronomy 4, 29). If you really want to know, you will know - that is His promise. Bend your knee in secret in your own quiet place at home before God. If you are not convinced by anything I've said then go to God Himself and say, "O Lord if you are there, reveal yourself to me. I want to know. Leave me not in darkness." I can promise you, if you are sincere, you will find God for yourself. Remember however, God knows your heart, so do not think you can fool Him. If you want the Lord, you will find Him.

The beauty is all around us, open your eyes; everywhere you look you will see God. Just look at the pictures I took this past weekend of the fall foliage, its all God’s work.

God bless you my friends!

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