Sunday, October 24, 2010

“Family Time”

When was the last time you sat down with your family with no interruptions? When there were no cell phones, no TV, no friends over, just you and your family.

We should all set aside time each week. If you can, make it the same time from week to week. You want this time to be convenient so that all will be excited. What a time to throw in some Bible study, let it be fun, discuss different families in the Bible and tell how they interacted in their time. Family life today is under siege, so we have to work harder than ever to keep our families together, there is so much divorce and separation.
Parents are responsible for teaching their children. “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).
It is very important for us to spend time studying God’s Word and to spend time with him. For your family to be fruitful, God must come first. This is important for us to teach our children the importance of family time, with God being First. Spending time with God in prayer is good because it reminds us who we are and where we come from, our Father God.
This weekend I found some time to spend with my family, leaf looking in the late afternoon, the beautiful autumn colors, and the many people out with their families, was a beautiful time. Then today, Sunday I spent the early afternoon with my mother, then one of my sisters and her daughter. We found ourselves talking about how things have changed in our own family, and how important it is to help others out and pray for all. My niece has been handed a hard hand in her life, she has been thru many obstacles and she was crying. Her mom started telling her about someone she had met recently who was so much less fortunate, and as we talked my niece realized just how blessed she was just to have a family. She wanted to know how she could help others less fortunate, her mom, my sister and I started giving her ideas. Simple things such as saying hi to someone, smiling, taking food to Hearts of Hands, or the local Christian ministries, and volunteering her time. The little things in life are the most important to each of us. These are things we need to teach each other and our own families. After we talked for a couple hours, my niece asked if we could do this every week. That was the reward sis and I needed. It was that simple; to know we taught her something. God has to be first for all things to work in your life. A good family to study in the Bible is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Genesis chapter 12-25) This story teaches us the importance of family value.

Dear heavenly Father, you are awesome and powerful, and you alone deserve first place in our lives. Help us to remember today that you come first. In Jesus name, Amen.

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