Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Winters Beauty"

”Winters Beauty”

Last night’s rain
Freezing as cold air hits
Before me the ice forms,
As the rocks are cradled
With that crisp shell

The solidity of the ice
As the icicles form their own covering
The landscape is an aching sight
I listen, I hear, I feel
As The piercing chill of winters
Wind howl, flushing my cheeks.

Exhilarating, as the formations
of my breath
Against the cold air, stillness at rest
Each formation as
fabulous as the next
Even as ice, the luminosity
of frozen water
The wind might blow at any time
touching the contour of the cold ice

Silence has a voice in this
 crisp cold place
The sleeping earth beneath the ice
As if we are frozen in time
The weight of our breath;
As we succumb to winter’s beauty;
Here in God’s place.

Written by Brenda Redmond
January 15, 2011

1 comment:

  1. you are so right Brenda and this is very pretty keep your good work up and thank you

