Saturday, January 8, 2011

“Believe in Miracles”

Matthew 22:37-40 (King James Version) 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

We love Jesus, that’s simple…1 John 4:19 (KJV) we love him, because he first loved us.

Take a moment and think about God. Think about His goodness and mercy toward mankind. Think about His kindness, love, and grace. Think about His love to give Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. And think about Jesus' love for us to die on the cross.

If one looks at what Jesus has done for them, they will see just how many times they have walked into a miracle. A few years back on April 14th, 1998 it was storming and my parents were in the bed asleep when around 1:30 am lightening hit. Let me give you the layout of their bedroom. You walk in from the left, you have the bed on the right, on the far wall is a sliding glass door going out to a patio. The door is in the center of the wall. My dad was already very sick at this time in his life from diabetes and heart disease. The lightning struck the wall on dads side of the bed, the sheet rock went all over the bed, and the room, breaking the frame around the sliding glass door. This was on my dad’s side of the bed. It should have killed him, the remnants of sheet rock were all over him, but the lightening itself missed dad and mom. Only explanation we have is what dad told us, the Angels were watching over him. Dad also felt he was being prepared, dad knew that God was in control. A few weeks before this happened I had a vision that took place in mom and dad’s bedroom. In the corner, same corner the sliding glass door is, stood the most beautiful Angel, she was wearing the most beautiful color of purple that I have ever seen. It gave me such a peace. The next morning I just had to go see dad and tell him about this angel, even before I could go to work. I drove to mom and dads as quickly as I could. When I got there mom was in the kitchen, she was kind of shocked to see me that early. I just walked by her and said I have to see dad. I walked in the room and said dad I have to tell you something, he looked at me and said wasn’t that the prettiest purple, tears fell upon me and he continued telling me that she had been there for a few nights now. He told me she was watching over him till the Lord calls him home. You can imagine the tears, but also the joy my heart had knowing that dad knew God. Shortly after the storm, on June 8th my dad went into the hospital; his kidneys and liver were shutting down. They took dad down to have dialysis and he came back telling us how beautiful the pictures were, what he described was unbelievable, so my sister went downstairs to look at them. She returned telling us there were no pictures. At this time we knew it would be soon. Dad was getting a glimpse of Heaven. My dad passed away on June 10th of 1998, leaving many hearts empty, but also giving us hope of going where he was, I can imagine how beautiful it will be, just from the Angel that I saw.

I was asked how I serve God and put Him first in my life. I hope this answers that question.

God love and bless you my friends, I would love to hear about your miracles.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean when you lost your dad.i lost my dad to but Brenda this is so awesome you doing this all the time . Please keep this work comin love you and thank you
