Monday, November 21, 2011

What can you do to make God smile?

Have you ever just sat and wondered if God smiles at things you do in your life? David in Psalms was one who always wanted to make God smile; He was always looking at ways to make God smile. When was the last time you tried to make God smile for something you have done? David was a man who was after Gods own heart. Psalm119: 135 make thy face to shine upon thy servant; and teach me thy statutes.

David was one who felt Gods smile upon Him. What can you and I do to have God smile down on us?

God smiles when we love Him with all our heart and put him first in our lives.

Making God Number 1 in our life is not necessarily an easy thing to do because many things come to crowd out our commitment to Him. We have to choose to follow Jesus. We have to choose to not allow the cares of our life to crowd Him out. Satan will work hard against this, he will tell you that you don’t need church, that you don’t need to be around other Christians. Satan will play with your mind. God sees this and will work for you if you are putting Him first and making wise decisions. You do need church, Bible, Christians to surround you. God gives each of us special abilities and expects us to be faithful in using what we’ve been given. If we use these to the best of our ability and follow Him, He will surely smile down on us.

Knowing that Our Lord’s coming gives me a real reason to smile; the joy He brings lasts forever, it’s not temporary like the things Satan will throw at you. God smiles when we love Him wholeheartedly, He smiles when we put Him first, God smiles when we trust Him fully, God smiles when we praise Him and lift Him up, God smiles when we receive His joy and spread it to others.

Will you make pleasing God a bigger part of your life and find that making Him smile will in turn make your heart soar with happiness. We glorify God by loving him, by obeying him, by trusting him and walking with him. We honor God when we have faith and trust in him, when we love him, and when we truly desire to know him, obey him and please him in all that we do. We were created to glorify God, enjoy him and walk with Him. When we glorify God and honor God, we get closer to him and enjoy him immensely. God is really pleased and rejoices over us when we glorify him and live for him. This is what makes God smile…

Keep smiling my friends and give God all the Glory so He in turn smiles back at you.

Jesus loves His Children

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