Sunday, September 4, 2011

"The Presence of His Light Beyond the Clouds"

Yesterdays Dreams
Today's Reality
Hand in Hand
Yes? No?
Clouds in life:  sometimes slight,
sometimes dark and frightening
whatever clouds you faced today
Did you ask God?
He is the Light of the world, after all
Ask God! 
Is He not the light that consumes the darkness?
For are we not in our own understanding, hindered by the clouds of our own doing?
He is the Light of the world after all.

Clouds in Life
Behind each cloud in your life, is the Son still shining?
Ask God?
For the clouds in life are those that either blind us to uncertanity or shade the truth from our sight
Is not darkness the foe and not the light?
Ask God?
Because radiance is not found in the darkness
Nor is darkness found in the radiant light
Is it not because He is after all the Light of the World!

Be still sad heart
For behind those clouds the Son still shines on you
For He is the Light of the world after all
Those once darkened, gray, dangerous and scary clouds have now gone
and have given way to the Sons light
Does the Light embrace your heart?
Will you let the light of God pierce those darkened places in your heart?
May you heart no longer be content in the darkness of the clouds, for the Son will fill it
with His almighty light, for remember He is the Light of the world after all.

Will you not walk away and leave the shutters of your heart closed
and cling not to the darkened past, oh saddened heart...for the Sons glorious Light
hath reflected through those dense clouds to make your heart now see.
For He is the Light of the World after all.

Brenda Redmond
Septmeber 2011

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