Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Poverty Stricken"

You may look normal on the outside. But, what do you think your soul looks like? Without the Lord there is poverty in one’s soul. What is your level of poverty? Why do those around you have a different quality of life than you do? With all your hard earned success you look into the eyes of those with nothing and find happiness, yet you can’t seem to find it no matter what you achieve in your life. Do you ever wonder what it is you are missing in life?

Do you remember being a child and knowing that if your parents were home you were safe. To go to bed was never a thought, it was a safe place. In spite of the Satan’s that were there, you wasn’t scared. Do you remember going to church as a kid and learning that song, Jesus loves me.

Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

As a child you trusted that your parents would protect you, as well as knowing that Jesus loved you. You would kneel down by your bed and say your prayer at night and thank Jesus for your mom and dad, and whatever else your little heart would tell you to say. Are you aware that you are still that little child to God? That He is still protecting you from harm, and is still there to listen to your prayers, no matter how short or long that they may be.

The sun rises, the sun sets, the seasons come and go, and we have no control over those. People that have given us comfort throughout our lives may no longer be around, but there is one person who is the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA in our lives; who has always been there and never will leave us and that is JESUS CHRIST!
It is in your hands to change your own poverty level that lives within your soul.

Helping others is out of the question when your soul is lost, there is only one way to be released from this poverty stricken place in your heart and that is to accept Jesus into your life. DON"T GIVE UP!!!! There is a solution for everything.

His name is JESUS! The son of GOD. He was born, died and raised again from the dead. He sacrificed his life for YOU! He died so that your sins may be forgiven, if you will repent of your sins, believe in and accept Him as your lord and savior, you will not go to hell. He will SAVE you. He will fight for you. He will comfort you. He will clean what is dirty. He will restore or make new what was broken. You will never be alone again. You will finally be safe. You will experience true joy. He will never abandon you. All you have to do is ask him to save you and become your lord. In Him you will find rest. In Him, you will find a safe and happy place. You will become part of GOD's family. You will go home.

Yes, Satan will be there, in every corner or turn that you make in your life, for it’s his place to turn you against Jesus; Satan is the poverty that lies within your soul. Ask Jesus today to help you clean him from your spirit, to cleanse you with His blood, to make you whole in His eyes, so that you too can live a life of helping others and a life that matters. Jesus is the means to deliver you from this poverty stricken heart. All that is needed of you is to ask Jesus to please come into your heart, and trust and believe that He will and accept that God does love you so much, that He even sent His only begotten Son to live on earth and to die on the cross for each of us. If you will except Jesus into your heart and ask for His forgiveness His word tells us that we will one day live eternally with Him in Heaven. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Father in heaven, by Your Word we acknowledge that you sent your Son to intercede for us. So now we ask that you open our eyes, so that we see that without you, we will remain lost, and poor in soul. Father please lifts our hearts in anticipation of your ability to help those who are in our hearts . . . even as we go to our knees for one another. Father helps us to ask you into our hearts, help us to fulfill our lives with your presence.

Do you hunger or thirst for the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour? Are you living a poverty stricken life? Please contact me at for prayer.

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