Sunday, March 25, 2012

“Sometimes I cry”

God is good all the time; there is no doubt for me; however I still feels lost and cry.

Have you ever received false accusations from someone who doesn’t even know who you are? You, like me are probably just an easy prey for them to attack. Or maybe it’s because they know you are happy and they can’t steal your joy and it makes them angry. Then there are times that even as a Christian I just feel sadness coming over me, and there seems to be no exact reason for it. Or is there?

God gave us our emotions. There is almost always an underlying reason why we are sad. Sometimes when I don't understand what I'm sad about, I pray and ask God to show me. He always does. God can't help you with what you're sad about until you understand what it is about. He wants you to talk it over with Him. He wants to be your best friend and have an intimate relationship with you. And sometimes all it takes is talking over things that make you sad, for it does matter to your Heavenly Father.

Being sad in and of itself is not sin. It depends what we do with our sadness. Look at this passage where Jesus' sorrow was so deep that He asked the Father if he could just be lifted out of the sadness.

Matthew 26:36 -39 "Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and He told the disciples, "Sit here while I go over there and pray." Taking along Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, "My soul is swallowed up in sorrow--to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with Me."

Going a little farther, He fell facedown and prayed, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will."

Jesus' best friends, the disciples, weren't there for him. They said they would be, but they really weren't. Often it is like that for us, too. As Christians we have to know that Jesus will be there for us, He won’t fall asleep while we are praying to Him or just having a general conversation with Him. He loves when we take time to visit with Him, just as our family and friends do here on earth.

Psalm 34:17-20 (KJV) 17The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. re the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. 20He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

Romans 8:28 (KJV) 28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Right now you may feel you don’t know why you are sad or broken spirited, but believe me if you look deep enough into yourself you will find the answer and I know for me when I feel this way I have to turn to Jesus to help me for the feeling of sadness is sometimes too strong for me to fight it myself.

Then there are those times when I do know why I am sad, and 99% of the time it is because I allowed others to get to me because of their lies and false accusations, or maybe I just felt they were speaking about me to others. In reality, does it all really matter? Aren’t you responsible for your own truths and isn’t it you who will report to God when time here on earth is done. Shouldn’t we just walk away from it and not let them take over our spirit, isn’t that just falling prey right into their hands. See as Christians we have to be on guard at all times, Satan can’t stand for us to be standing for Christ. I have cried many a night, including last night as I allowed others to influence my own feelings and truths that I know. All it did was make me sadder that I let God down by giving them opportunity to see that it did hurt. All I can say is shame on me for allowing this.

My friends Jesus loves us, and He forgives us for making stupid mistakes like the above, but do as I plan too, learn from it. Stand tall and stand your ground, for me, no-one will take my heart from loving God. He is my best friend.

Nahum 1:7 (KJV) 7The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

He knows me my friends, can you say the same?
Friends forever: now and when I am invited into Heaven, Jesus and me.

He opened His arms for me and you on that cross; will you run into His arms?  Jesus here I am, I gladly run towards you into your open arms.  I ask for forgiveness for allowing others to come into my heart and disrupt what you gave to me on that cross.  In Jesus name I ask this and pray, Amen!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wits End

Sometimes in life we reach the point where we can’t even focus, we feel as if we are drowning or we have lost or exhausted any possibility of finding a way out.

Have you already done everything possible to change your situation? Have you given up? If you find this is where you are, and then my dear friend, Psalms 107 has a beautiful message for you, you will find awesome testimonies of lost, sick, imprisoned and even of those lost in a storm.

We seem to wander around hopelessly from one thing to another, not even sure what it is we are seeking. If only we had something to hold on to. Have you cried out to the Lord and ask Him to deliver you from the endless pain and or suffering not knowing if you will just disappear over the edge; or are you just wandering around aimlessly? Have you succumbed to sin, allowing the worldly chains hold you from receiving your blessings? What are your storms of life? Let me tell you what is needed, first and foremost, hold on, tie a knot, and don’t’ give up; never let go, let hope sustain you. Cry out to the Lord, continue to pray to Him, but also you must work towards a new beginning, and even if you don’t see it or feel it, give thanks for the breath the Father gave to you. Never ever let your troubles get in the way of you allowing God into your heart and life. When at wits end surround yourself with Godly people-visit a church, find safety, reach out to the elders. Then let all your sins, troubles, pain, illness be cast into the depths of the sea. Don’t let Satan defeat you any longer, quit allowing him control over your mind, quit being restless in emptiness and fill your life with love and hope and watch as that dark cloud that has been looming over you dissipates.

I looked wits end up in the bible dictionary, and you know what it means, or talks about, the ship’s deck… Who is the head of you my friends, are you going to be mopped out to sea or fall overboard because you were just too stubborn to reach out and ask God for help?

In John 16:33, Jesus said, “…In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

God has equipped you to handle the storms of life by trusting in Jesus.

Similar to Job in the Bible, there are times when challenges hit us on all sides and we don’t always feel like responding with the Word of God; but rest assured that God’s Word is the solution to any problem. When you allow your responses and decisions to be founded on God’s Word, you open the door for God to come in and turn your situation around.

One of my favorite reads in the Old Testament is about a man who was faced with some of the most terrible situations ever known.

His children were killed, his livestock were destroyed and he was struck with painful boils on his entire body. Job had lost everything and I’m sure he was tempted to completely give up and turn his back on God. Even his wife told him to just curse God and die because he was in such a pitiful state. But Job didn’t do that. While he did go through a time of complaining and questioning, he never gave up on God. As a result, God restored everything he lost.

There are no challenges too great for God to handle. He can cause all things to work out for your good when you pray and seek Him. Maybe you feel you have tried everything, but I promise you that God can perform miracles, and if He can restore Jobs life, what makes you think He can’t yours, and even effortlessly at that.

If you have reached your wits end, then fellow friend this is the place where you have to allow God to take over and guide you.

In the midst of the storm even the disciples were scared, but take a close look at who reached out an arm and calmed the mighty roaring sea. My friend Jesus will do the same for you. Jesus is waiting to hear from you, Will you ask Him to still the storms in your life today?

Seek understanding and believe in what the Word will do for you. Everything you need to survive the storms of life is in your Bible; but you must trust and believe and let go of the worries that slow God down, don’t get in His way once you ask for His help, Trust Him, for it was He that gave your life.

This is the same sea, that Jesus quieted, the Sea of Galilee. Storms will come and go in your life, but be prepared by knowing Christ Jesus, so that you will be prepared to deal with them, and Trust Jesus to walk with you through them.

God bless you my dear friends, May all your storms be quieted as God enters into your soul, spirit and heart. Love you in Christ!