Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Storms in Our lives

Storms come to all of us -- (sickness, financial problems, family problems, depression, emotional stress and many other trials). It's not the storms that defeat us -- But our reaction to those storms. As the winds blow and the floods come, He who believes and takes action will hold fast to his confession of faith, because we know God cannot fail. If storms come we need to stand our ground and refuse to accept it! We need to act on God's word.

I write today as I am coughing, aching all over, and just down right miserable. Even as I feel so bad I know that with my faith God has healing in store for me. No matter what ails you, God is there for you. We all have to go through battles in our life, some are meant to teach us lessons so that we can get back on the right path, and others are part of being human. Then you have those that Satan puts before you so that He can break you. Satan is our worst enemy, he does everything to defeat us and sow doubt in our mind. He works with our flesh and natural human reasoning; he limits us to our own abilities. Your reaction has to be one of standing up for what you know is right and trusting God to get you through it. As I said above, don’t let the storm defeat you, allow it room to blow by.

Hebrews 11:6 (KJV) but without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Exodus 23:25 (KJV) 25And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

What more do we need other than His promise and His word. NOTHING! Believe and Trust in God, receive your healing today.

God bless you my friends!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

“Seeking Joy out of Desperation”

How much of your life have you wasted by worrying about the things that you have no control over? I was sitting here last night just crying my heart out, making myself even more miserable over something so foolish. I look back on it today and realize how I wasted precious time out of my life. I wonder would it of been a better use of time if I had reached out to someone else who might be going thru something a lot worse than I am. I know that I am loved with an everlasting love, why do I need or care if someone here on earth thinks I am good enough, or pretty enough. In the long run what does it all really mean? If I allow the sinful things to continue, what will my position with God be?

Do we really think God isn’t aware of the suffering we are going thru, is not a little suffering worth it when we realize what the Glory of God has in store for us. I realize I am free to spend my time with whom I wish, rather that’s with my nieces or nephews or my sisters and brothers, or even friends on the internet, but there is no one I rather spend time with other than my Heavenly Father. Just to sit alone in His presence and talk to Him about all this stuff that is getting to me. When was the last time you just stopped what you were doing and picked up the phone and called someone you knew was having a hard day? What we have to remember is that not one good thing will He withhold from us that walk uprightly. If you are blessed and are walking upright and God has given your health, a roof over your head, it’s because God knows your heart and what you are doing on His behalf. God will fill your soul.

The bible teaches us that Joy is loves strength. Even when we are in severe pain, we should praise God and give Him joy and gladness of heart, for He knows our future. He awaits you; He is there when you are ready to ask Him for His healing touch in your life. It is important for us to remember that there are greater things than just the material things of this world, and even greater Joy than the happiness the world can offer to us. Having Joy will give you the strength needed to overcome all pain and suffering that you will face here.

God loves you, that is reason to be joyful in all things that you do…do not dwell on the bad, give those things to God and find the good. God bless you my friends!