Saturday, January 1, 2011

Living a sinful life

Romans, Paul’s writings in chapter one have kept me intrigued at how much the people of that time are still the same as they are today. The Lord just allowed them to continue living in sinful ways, because that is how they were choosing to live. They were as a lot today are; filled with all manners of unrighteousness, evil, greed, wickedness, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, Gossip’s, maligners, haters of God and what He stands for, proud, overbearing, arrogant, no understanding, disobedient to their parents, always creating evil deeds, no affection which leads to being without mercy for their fellow brothers and sisters.

How many of you have met individuals like this, I know I have and I also know that at one time or another I have fallen prey? I also know I fall short of the glory of God and I have fallen into the same trap and brought others with me, which makes it even worse because I am a woman of God. Paul teaches us in this first chapter of Romans why God allowed the Romans to get by with what they did wrong, so many read this chapter and think it is talking all about sexual wrong doings, when in fact it isn’t, it is talking about having pagan Gods, idolatry, degrading of your body for others is there, but it’s not the main focus.

Romans 1:24-32 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

I know someone who believes that God isn’t real, their hopes and believes are lost in a void. They have seen so much pain and suffering from the time they were a child, they have seen the above, that it is hard for them to see what God stands for and the beauty that He has created. This person has fallen into the pattern that those before us did as in this book of Romans, they have fallen prey, and now they are proud and have no understanding of who God is. Only God’s grace, God’s Spirit and God’s word can save a man’s spirit, soul and body from the decaying effects of the sin nature. If man rejects the revelation of God he is doomed to the sin nature.

God expects us to pray to Him for the lost, for the narrow minded that believe they can live life as they choose because they believe God will forgive them in their dying breath.

Let us pray: Lord, there are so many hurting people in this world, which are crying out for help... My heart goes out to all and this is my prayer for all, many are stuck in false religions and cults and are under bondage from the enemy. Father Set them free, lift up the veil from their own eyes, so they can see the truth in Jesus Christ. Open up their hearts and mind to the only truth, and that they will trust in Christ ALONE for their salvation. “Jesus Said: I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6... I pray that they will have a relationship with you, not a Religion. Father God, I pray that you will draw them close to your Son, so they can be set free in Christ and experience the Love and Joy and be filled with the Holy Spirit. And celebrate their new life in Christ. Father, I pray for all everywhere that needs healing, salvation, deliverance... and protection from the enemy, help many with their finances. Open up doors and bring comfort and relief. Give them peace that they are in need for. All according to your will, Thank for your loving Grace upon us and your longsuffering and patience. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Brenda this one one of your best jobs keep them comin love it HBS
